Connecting Kansans with AT
ATK provides four core services:
Device demonstration
Short-term equipment loan
AT reuse
Assistance in determining funding eligibility for both new and used technologies
Through these efforts, ATK works to make AT more available and accessible to individuals with disabilities and their families.
AT includes devices and services that help people hear, see, live, learn, and work better!

DEMO: See and Try a Device
After you identify the concerns or barriers you want to address, experienced ATK staff will Demonstrate devices that might be right for your needs. Together you will examine the various features of each device and identify the features that are most important to you. You may want to borrow one or more devices to make sure you are sure about what works best for you, that would be the Loan program. Once you make a decision, ATK staff can refer you to local or state vendors and help you identify Funding resources. Another service ATK offers is the opportunity to receive equipment through the Reuse Program. To make an appointment to talk with an AT Specialist, call 1-800-526-3648.
Demo: ATK has devices to demonstrate in the areas of vision, hearing, speech communication, computer access, daily living tasks, mobility, vehicle modifications, environmental modifications, recreation and sports, and learning, organization and memory. Regional AT Access Sites have different inventory so devices may need to be transferred to your regional AT Access Site.

LOAN: Borrow a Device – Short Term Loan
ATK has equipment for short-term loan so people with disabilities or health conditions, and others can determine if a device meets their needs.
Equipment can be borrowed from the ATK Equipment Loan System for up to four weeks. A smaller inventory of devices is available from the regional AT Access Sites. The program has limited funding for equipment purchases and shipping. You can help ATK serve more people by picking up a device whenever possible or by making a contribution toward shipping and/or acquisition of new inventory.
The online ATK Device Loan System database is under construction at this time. Assistive Technology devices are available in the categories of vision, hearing, speech communication, computer access, daily living, mobility positioning and seating, vehicle modifications, environmental modifications, recreation and sports, and learning, organization and memory.
If you know what you want to borrow, please call your regional AT Access Site at 1-800-526-3648. Remember that Assistive Technology Specialists are happy to provide demonstrations of similar devices so that you get the perfect device that meets your needs.
A completed ATK Device Loan System Application is required and available online here.

FUND: Get Help Funding a Device
Once you know the device that meets your needs, consider possible funding options.
ATK staff will work with you to review public and private funding resources, identify the ones most likely to fit your situation, and assist you in completing applications and submitting required funding documentation. ATK has experience working with a variety of public and private funding sources such as Kansas Rehabilitation Services, Kansas Medicaid, Infant Toddler Services, public education, Medicare, Veterans Affairs, private health insurance, Rural Housing Grants, Friends of Man, etc.
ATK also works with the Kansas AT Loan Program (K-Loan). K-Loan offers flexible preferred rate financial loans for assistive technology devices and services. A K-Loan may be used to pay for part or all of the cost of the assistive technology you need.

REUSE: Get a Refurbished Device
Quality, refurbished durable medical equipment, available to Kansans at no cost.
Through ATK-KEE Reuse, eligible Kansans can get quality, refurbished durable medical equipment such as manual and power wheelchairs, patient lifts, electric and semi-electric hospital beds, shower chairs, communication devices and other health devices.
ATK accepts donations of durable medical equipment for ATK-KEE Reuse but other assistive technology devices can be donated to the ATK Reuse program. ATK partners with local and regional loan closets across the state to help Kansans with disabilities access a wide range of equipment.