Other AT Services: Information & Assistance, Assessment, Training, Fee Schedule

AT Specialists are available to talk with you about your AT needs via email, phone, Skype, Zoom, or a variety of other online options including the statewide toll-free phone 1-800-526-3648. Please let us know how we can assist you in meeting your AT needs.
Regional Offices are located in Oakley, Salina, Topeka, Garden City, Wichita, and Parsons.

Information & Assistance
ATK staff are available to answer questions for persons with disabilities, family members, employers, service providers, educators and others. ATK provides this service at no cost through use of a toll-free number, e-mail, mail or person-to-person meetings. Typical questions involve identifying AT device options, providing strategies for working with agencies, or discussing funding avenues. ATK responds to individual AT requests through research, using existing products, devices or services, and by linking individuals to outside resources.

ATK works with Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors to provide assessments to identify AT needs to ensure the correct AT Devices and Services are obtained; AT Training is available to teach a consumer how to use the equipment or service, and Technical Assistance Services other than those described above that will help the consumer reach their goals. This can include equipment setup, troubleshooting, and upgrading. ATK provides assessment through 3rd party payers.

Individuals: ATK provides a variety of training opportunities for individuals and groups. ATK provides training for individuals with disabilities in the use of assistive technology hardware or software. If an individual is eligible for a public funding source, such as Kansas Rehabilitation Services or Kansas Medicaid, ATK staff will ask for permission to bill for their services.
Organization/Agency: A wide range of training is available to groups. Examples of topics include: learning about specific equipment related to a specific AT category or need such as vision, memory, communication, learning disabilities; work site and education accommodations; funding/policy issues; AT resources; strategies for implementation; and special requests.
Organization/Agency: A wide range of training is available to groups. Examples of topics include: learning about specific equipment related to a specific AT category or need such as vision, memory, communication, learning disabilities; work site and education accommodations; funding/policy issues; AT resources; strategies for implementation; and special requests.

Fee Schedule
• Fees are $500/half day plus reimbursement for mileage, lodging, and per diem
• $125/hour plus reimbursement rates for mileage lodging, and per diem
• Reimbursement for travel time is $25/hour
• Fees include training materials
ATK staff develop presentations and trainings on specific AT topics within their areas of expertise. If you have a particular topic in mind, call us, it's toll-free.
• $125/hour plus reimbursement rates for mileage lodging, and per diem
• Reimbursement for travel time is $25/hour
• Fees include training materials
ATK staff develop presentations and trainings on specific AT topics within their areas of expertise. If you have a particular topic in mind, call us, it's toll-free.